

Coronavirus and The Markets: What You Need to Know

With coronavirus (COVID-19) all around us, investors may be wondering how their investments will fare as this ‘global pandemic’ spreads. Is COVID-19 capable of moving markets? We know it is and came at a time when the economy was already stressing. Earlier market movements starting in February 2020 were the result of unassociated economic factors and the public’s reaction to

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HENRYs (High Earners Not Rich Yet) with Limited Wealth-Building Potential- Are You One of Them?

The term HENRY (High Earners Not Rich Yet) refers to individuals who have the potential to become wealthy in the future because of their income. These individuals or families earn between $250,000 and $500,000 per year and are between 25 and 45 years of age (Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X). Despite their income, after paying their living costs, taxes,

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Financial Planning and Living Globally

The past 100 years have seen changes in how people plan for their financial futures and how they live. Borders no longer restrict people from living in one country; their profession often takes them to parts of the world they never anticipated. Today, it’s not uncommon for a family to live part-time in one country or become citizens of another

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Green Lending in the United States: Benefits for Sustainability and Debtors

A growing trend in global debt markets, Green Lending, continues to grow among American debt investors. Green Lending ties sustainability initiatives into loan products designed to entice and reward debtors who meet sustainability goals. The debtor’s sustainability goals are performance-based and include such things as lowering electricity and water usage, reducing landfill garbage, increasing recyclable raw materials in production, and

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Climate Change and Finance: Are They Connected?

Over the past ten thousand years, the Earth’s climate has remained stable. Today, we know through science and research that climate change is happening. Many scientific organizations are studying the impact of climate change. While simultaneously economists are examining the socioeconomic implications in various regions of the world. Climate change is undoubtedly impacting finance and the economy in many areas.

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A Debt Reduction Plan for 2020

Being debt-free is possible for everyone, regardless of income. Learning to manage our debt and spending habits and then focus on saving can be life-changing and positively affect your net worth. Net worth calculates by subtracting your liabilities (debt owed) from your assets (not financed). Net worth is calculated for both individuals and companies and is an accurate determination of

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Countdown to Tax Season

With 2020 barely started, preparation for tax season is underway for many investors. Now in the second year of filing taxes under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), focusing your attention on deductions, you can use versus those that were eliminated will necessitate that you plan. The idea of TCJA was to increase the number of Americans

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Drawing Social Security Early and Still Working? The Social Security Earnings Test is Crucial.

Many people decide to ‘semi-retire’ early and start taking their Social Security Retirement benefit at the earliest age possible. It’s appealing to be able to work part-time or where you have an interest. You may start a small business while making an income and receive Social Security retirement benefits. While early retirement and a part-time job may be of interest

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The SECURE Act Is Law- Notable Changes to Retirement Savings

Effective January 1, 2020, the SECURE Act, a progressive change to retirement savings plans, is now law. The last legislation to retirement savings happened when Congress allowed for the automatic enrollment of employees. Also the addition of Target Date funds to retirement plans in 2006.


Your Retirement Nest Egg- A Carton Full of Options

Many people refer to their retirement savings as a “retirement nest egg,” but in theory, it should be made up of many sources of retirement income-many eggs. Even if Social Security and a company retirement plan were their only retirement savings sources, likely they haven’t thought about their withdrawal strategy. It’s not as simple as just drawing down retirement income

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